Have you ever felt that you are not enough?
My whole life has been peppered with incidents that have left me feeling not enough. This is an issue that affects each one of us in multiple ways and at multiple times in our life.
It can be the one thing that holds us back from enjoying our lives and living it to the fullest.
It is so sad to think that we have all felt not enough at different times, whether it be not pretty enough, not popular enough, not skinny enough, not rich enough, or not intelligent enough or any of the other thousands of not enough’s. It's a horrible feeling and I bet you could tell me stories from your life where you have felt that you have not been enough too.
Here’s the thing I want you to know, I don't believe it's the way that God intends for us to feel. When I read His word and when I dwell on His character it simply does not make sense for us to live our lives feeling worthless and not enough. He chose us before the beginning of time. He sent His beautiful precious Son to make a way for us to be united with God and free from sin. When you think about it, God went to pretty extreme measures to give us the opportunity to live a life of abundance with Him.
The lie that we are not enough and not worthwhile just flies in the face of what God has done when He sent His Son to redeem us.
There are many different situations we are going to face where we receive the message that we are not enough from sibling rivalry to comparison, The voices of those we look up to can all contribute to this helpless feeling.
When I was young my father left. As a little girl my heart questioned why I wasn’t enough for him to stay? Was I not good enough was I not loveable or cute enough? Of course, he had other reasons for leaving but in my little 3 year old mind that thought “I’m not enough” circled around and around. It coloured everything I thought and everything I did.
Many of us has been awakened to the ‘I’m not enough thought’ at a very young age so part of our healing comes from being able to deal with those thoughts and allow God to heal our heart and renew our minds to a new way of thinking. A better way. One that lines up with His truth and sets us free.
The journey towards feeling enough if a lifelong one. When we commit to holding these thoughts up to the light and questioning if they are actually true we are going to be able to move past them and enjoy freedom from this limitations of not feeling enough.
I realise that not feeling enough is not a message from You. Please help me to be aware of these thoughts as they come and bring them to You so that You can share Your truth with me.
If this is a topic that you are struggling with pre-order a copy of my latest book I’m Enough, at the Abiding Providence Store. It will help you understand where these thoughts come and how you can successfully navigate them. If you order now you will also receive a free journal so you can put these truths into action.