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Blog Posts

Are You Enough?
Have you ever felt that you are not enough? My whole life has been peppered with incidents that have left me feeling not enough. This is...

Have You Left Something in the Mud?
Have you gone through difficult or traumatic experiences in life and left a part of yourself behind? When I was a little girl we went to...

Being an Agent of Change
The other day I was in the checkout line. It was the Friday before a long weekend so the shops were busy. I had already been waiting...

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed With Life?
Have you ever heard the saying, "we are human beings, not human doings?" Do you ever feel like a human doing instead of a human being? I...

Hearing Voices
Have you ever thought about the people who are influencing your life? Sometimes we don’t even realize the impact certain voices are...

Exchanging Bullets for Blessings
Have you ever felt stuck in the hurt of other people’s actions? A couple of weeks ago I was reading an article where the person was...

Is New Better Than Old?
How well do you adapt to new things? As we navigate the COVID crisis, there has been a lot of talk about ‘new wineskins’ and how the...

Narrow Doors
Are you confident in your faith? In Luke 13:24 Jesus talks about the narrow door (in Matthew 7:13 it is referred to as a gate). He...

Wasting Time With God
How important is your time? Do you ever get frustrated when others waste your time? In Matthew 15 we read a story involving the...

Are You Content With Christ Alone?
What if I were to tell you that you can find joy and contentment in the desert times of life? I have to admit I struggle in the ‘desert’...

Bystander or Participant?
Do you ever feel the weight of responsibility to make sure everyone has a good time while feeling that you totally miss out? Do you ever...

Do What the Father is Doing
What if I told you there was a way to live a fulfilling life that was fulfilling without burning you out? By our earthly standards, Jesus...

Instant or Slow Cooked?
How would you describe your life experience? Have you been a person who has experienced quick success? Do you capture ideas and...

Surviving Out of Control
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a situation? Have you ever felt that things are way beyond your control and you don’t know how you are...

Who’s Stealing Your Destiny?
Have you ever felt that someone has stolen your destiny? Has someone else caused you to feel you have missed out on what God has called...

Five Lessons We Can Learn From Children
Have you ever felt that you missed the boat? Have you felt that you are too old for God to use? I was involved in a conference recently...

Unfinished Business
Have you ever had something that you know you need to do but you just keep putting it off? Do you have unfinished business that needs...

What Does it Mean to Surrender to God?
Do you have something in your life that you are still waiting to be fulfilled? While other little girls were dreaming of being Nurses and...

Why Is My Faith So Up and Down?
Would you describe your faith journey as a consistent line of growth or do you think it resembles peaks and valleys? If you feel that...

Battlefield of the Mind
Are you a person who thinks a lot? I’m all for taking time to think things through before reacting in fact the bible encourages that in...

What Is My Portion?
Have you ever really wanted something and missed out? As a kid, I remember my brother and me fighting over who got the biggest piece of...

Waiting To Step
How does it make you feel when you don’t feel God is showing you the next step? On the road to Damascus Paul hears the audible voice of...

Fearing The Unknown
Have you ever felt fear? Has this fear been so overwhelming that it has deeply affected your life? There is solid ground on which we can...

Jars Of Clay
Have you ever felt fragile? There are lots of different ways that we feel fragile. Emotionally, physically and even Spiritually 2...
Have you ever felt powerless against the unpredictability of life?

I struggled for years, feeling like I was constantly ducking waves only to be hit with the next one.
I finally realised that there was a battle plan I could follow that would provide stability and strength to my life.
Grounded in God's word, this plan changed my life and brought me the peace and security I longed for. I captured it in my book, "Still Standing" and if you would like an e-copy of this book, then just subscribe below....
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