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Blog Posts

How To Plan In The Unpredictable
What plans are you making as we embark on a new year? Do have a framework for approaching the year or do you just fly by the seat of...

Why Is My Faith So Up and Down?
Would you describe your faith journey as a consistent line of growth or do you think it resembles peaks and valleys? If you feel that...

Why God Wants You, Not Somebody Else
Have you ever felt you don’t have any skills or talents that anyone else would benefit from? Do you feel that what you have to offer is...

What Is My Portion?
Have you ever really wanted something and missed out? As a kid, I remember my brother and me fighting over who got the biggest piece of...

Waiting To Step
How does it make you feel when you don’t feel God is showing you the next step? On the road to Damascus Paul hears the audible voice of...

Fearing The Unknown
Have you ever felt fear? Has this fear been so overwhelming that it has deeply affected your life? There is solid ground on which we can...

Being The Minority And Loving It!
Have there been times in your life where you have had to stand alone? Â You know when a situation has arisen and it seems that everyone...

Why Is Life So Hard?
Have you ever done something half-heartedly and been disappointed with the outcome? There have been diets I have half-heartedly followed...

Growing Up
Are you open to allowing God to influence your life? The book of Judges says, “In those days Israel had no king, all the people did what...

The Word We All Love To Hate
Are there things in your life that you have given up on because it’s all too hard? Thomas A. Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures...

Changing Our Focus To Freedom
What does freedom look like to you? Often there is a perception that following Christ means that we will live this restricted life with...

Making Sure We Don’t Throw Away What We Need
Have you ever found yourself struggling to trust God? Maybe you have trusted Him in the past but now disappointment has worn you down to...

Praying With Confidence
How’s your prayer life going? Prayer has been something that I have struggled with. It has gone from long ‘Christmas list’ types of...

How To Live Life Making Wise Decisions
Have you ever decided to do something and run into one obstacle after another? A couple of years ago we put our house on the market. ...

Growing Up: Part One
Spiritual Maturity. How are you growing in spiritual maturity? We are all on a journey of growth in some form or another. Every year we...

Total Surrender
Do you have something in your life that you are still waiting to be fulfilled? Ever since I was a little girl my dream had been to be a...

Walking Out Our Faith
Memorable Moment Have you ever been in a situation where you feel God is going to turn things around yet things seem to get worse instead...

Pressing the Reset Button
Memorable Moment Have you ever wanted to start over? There have been times where I feel like I have put things so far in the ditch that I...

Having Your Faith Tested
Have you ever had someone promise you something then not follow through? Painful isn’t it. There is something about someone promising...

I Don’t Want To Hear It
Have you ever not asked someone something because you knew they would say no? When I was growing up there were many things, I did not ask...

God Coloured Glasses
Have you ever felt like a little a fish in a big pond? It’s challenging to feel that you are so small compared to the people or...
Have you ever felt powerless against the unpredictability of life?

I struggled for years, feeling like I was constantly ducking waves only to be hit with the next one.
I finally realised that there was a battle plan I could follow that would provide stability and strength to my life.
Grounded in God's word, this plan changed my life and brought me the peace and security I longed for. I captured it in my book, "Still Standing" and if you would like an e-copy of this book, then just subscribe below....
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